12 June 2008

Karl Marx drafts a social contract

1 comment:

eleKtrofly said...

Dr Lapham calls this text a "social contract." what do you think he means by this? what are the terms of the contract?
marx says, "that which for me through the medium of money--that for which i can pay...that am i." what do you think he means by this? do we see this as evident within our own 'modern' culture as well?

"is he who has power over the talented not more powerful than the talented?"

marx says:

money is a "bond tying myself & nature to the rest of society."
and that money is the universal agent of divorce and the universal binding agent.

do you agree with this?

i especially like when he says, "anything within the realms of imagination can be translated into sensual, actual existence."

how do we see this playing out in the 'modern' world?